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Using Botox Injections to Fix That Strong Brow Frown

Do you often find people asking if you’re okay when nothing is wrong? Do you catch a glimpse in the mirror and feel startled to see yourself frowning for no reason? Do your kids or friends ask you if you are angry or having a bad day? Many of us experience what we call the […]

Age to start botox treatment?

Botox Treatment | For many years, botox cosmetic procedures have been seen primarily as anti-aging treatments and have been favored by men and women aged 40 and over. However, there is an ever-increasing number of people in their 20s and 30s turning to botox in Austin, which opens up a few questions about the consequences […]

The StemGlo™ Facelift

The StemGlo Facelift is a treatment that can utilize small portions of your own blood and help your body’s natural resources to refresh and tighten your face. During this process, platelet-rich plasma (PRP), which is your own blood plasma that has been enriched with additional platelets (also from your own blood), is injected into your […]

Smoothing Out Your Forehead and Crow’s Feet Wrinkles

Imagine what your face would look like if you could just iron away those wrinkles on your forehead, literally erase those “11 line” furrows, and diminish your crow’s feet? What can accomplish all of this with relatively no pain and minimal risk? Easy answer – a neurotoxin, which is a product that disables the ability […]


Stay away from the sun. UV irradiation can totally break down the collagen in your skin. Look at areas that have always been exposed to skin versus those that have had only a little sun. Sunlight also provides you with an active form of Vitmain D. So, consider it is safe to get a little […]

Face and Neck Skin Refresher

My One-Week Total Face and Neck Skin Refresher – Or, what to do when your class reunion is only one week away In preparation for a reunion this week I decided to do a total skin refresher on my entire face, eye and neck area. It was a simple process requiring little down time and […]

Liposuction in Austin Just Got a Little Better

Having liposuction in Austin is now faster and easier on your body than ever before. The new and improved method of liposuction known as body-jet® can help you to achieve the most gentle, yet effective, method of removing large, unwanted quantities of fat from the body. Ideally, you would like for any liposuction procedure to […]

Tips for Maintaining and Improving Collagen & Skin Elasticity after Fifty Years of Age

As a sixty year old woman who is still trying to look a little cute at the beach, skin laxity can be a major issue. How do you combat waning amounts of collagen that used to literally spring into action to keep you looking taut? Well, the easy days of summer are over for me […]

PhotoFacial IPL Skin Rejuvenation Facts Austin

PhotoFacial™ – The RESET BUTTON for Your Skin. We all do it when we said we wouldn’t — get too much sun on a family outing, forget sunscreen when out for a noon day walk, or some take advantage of a sunny vacation a little too much. Well, you get the picture. We live in […]

Great Ways to Lose Weight with the HCG Diet Austin

HCG DIET AUSTIN Great Ways to Lose Weight with the HCG Diet Plan from Dr. Sharon Sneed MS, PhD WHAT IS HCG? HCG stands for “Human Chorionic Gonadotropin,” which is best known as the hormone women make when they are pregnant. If you inject it daily while sticking to a regimented diet, you can generally […]

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I would not go anywhere else to get lip fillers or my Botox. Truly trust Erika she does amazing work.

- Karina N.

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