The Thread Lift Technique Offers a Less Invasive Facelift
The wonders that a facelift procedure can do for one’s appearance are well known. However, some people are skeptical about facelift procedures. If you are looking for effects similar to those offered by a facelift but through a less invasive method, then the thread lift is the perfect answer. The Thread Lift A thread lift […]
Why Are The Sun’s Rays More Harmful After Cosmetic Procedures?
We all know the importance of protecting our skin against the harmful effects of the sun; UVA and UVB rays can cause premature aging of the skin, unsightly wrinkles, sun spots and even skin cancer. However, what many people are unaware of is the increased risk of sun damage for those who have undergone a […]
Is ThreadLift replacing standard invasive facelift surgery
Traditional facelifts are expensive, invasive, require weeks of downtime, and, they do not even provide permanent results. Although they were once one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the United States to combat the signs of aging, the traditional surgical facelift has a whole host of negative aspects, and many people are now turning […]
Facelift or Sillhouette ThreadLift: Which is right for you?
In Austin, facelift surgery is incredibly popular with those who want to reclaim the smooth, youthful skin and profile that they had when they were younger. However, there’s a new kid on the block that offers less expense and much faster recovery, and its quickly soaring in popularity. The Silhouette ThreadLift procedure is available now […]