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By Aesthetica Med Spa
Traditional facelifts are expensive, invasive, require weeks of downtime, and, they do not even provide permanent results. Although they were once one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the United States to combat the signs of aging, the traditional surgical facelift has a whole host of negative aspects, and many people are now turning towards gentler treatments to keep lines, wrinkles, and drooping at bay. The most popular of these alternatives is The ThreadLift facelift, sometimes called the Silhouette ThreadLift®.


In order to understand the differences between ThreadLift and surgical facelifts in Austin, it’s important to learn how the two procedures are both similar and different. Facelift surgery requires a general anesthetic and involves the removal of excess skin around the hairline and ears, using a scalpel and sutures to secure the skin back together again. Since it is so invasive, patients can experience a significant amount of pain in the first few days after surgery, and will see extreme bruising and swelling for two to three weeks after surgery. As with any surgical procedure, there is always a risk of complications both during and after the surgery such as serious blood loss or infection. There is also the added risk of general anesthesia, which is an inappropriate choice for some patients depending on their overall medical status. In Austin ThreadLift involves the use of incredibly fine threads which are inserted into the facial tissues in order to gently lift and smooth the skin. A local anesthetic is the only thing required and the entire procedure can be completed in as little as 30 minutes. Unlike a traditional facelift, ThreadLift in Austin requires a minimal use of scalpels or stitches and patients can go on with their usual daily activities within a few days. Patients will see a little bruising and swelling within the first few days after surgery, but this quickly disperses and can be covered with makeup. Complications include temporary bleeding during the surgery, which is easily rectified, and while there is a risk of postoperative infection it is very low, and much less than that of a surgical facelift. The other aspect that is a positive is that it is completely reversible if the desired effect is not viewed positively. Traditional facelifts mean there is no going back.


Lines, wrinkles and sagging skin across the entire face can be dramatically lessened and tightened via a traditional facelift; and, results last between 5 and 7 years. ThreadLift gives comparatively gentler results. Usually, you get about half the tightening of a traditional facelift and the results will last 3 to 5 years. The cost of a ThreadLift is usually about 25% of the cost of a traditional facelift. For many, the gentler results of a ThreadLift in Austin are more natural and therefore favorable. For these reasons, ThreadLift is becoming the procedure of choice for thousands of American men and women who want to achieve a more youthful yet natural appearance.


More and more people are shunning traditional facelift procedures in favor of ThreadLift, but that doesn’t mean to say that the facelift will become completely obsolete. There is no doubt that surgical facelifts can give much more dramatic results, which for people who want to tackle significant lines and sagging is favorable. However, for those who want gentler and more natural results, ThreadLift is a far safer and less disruptive option. For those who have undergone a surgical facelift in the past, ThreadLift is becoming a popular way to maintain the appearance of the procedure a few years down the line when tissues begin to sag once again. Since even the best cosmetic surgeon can’t guarantee a permanent facelift, ThreadLift is an excellent procedure for those who don’t want to go through repeat surgeries every 5 to 7 years. For this reason, ThreadLift has an important place in the cosmetic industry and will no doubt remain popular with both surgeons and patients for many years to come. For more information on the threadlift facelift; read this excellent article from Gwyneth Paltrow’s publication, GOOP