Wrinkles. We hate them. They’re the telltale signs of our true age despite us always feeling young at heart. Although there are some key bad habits that we can avoid to keep our skin as wrinkle-free as possible (namely smoking and not drinking enough water!), wrinkles tend to be an inevitable fate for our skin. But don’t fret because we have some wrinkle-busting solutions up our sleeves. Once we understand exactly what causes wrinkles, we can figure out how to fight them!
Wrinkle-Maker No. 1: Exposure to UV
The Problem
Ultraviolet rays from the sun can cause significant damage to the skin, particularly UVA rays which penetrate deep into the skin to degrade collagen, which is what helps to keep skin taut, plumped and smooth. UVB rays have a shorter wavelength and only penetrate the very top layer of skin, which is what causes skin to tan or burn. UVA rays have a much longer wavelength, which means not only do they cause wrinkles, but they can even penetrate through glass. So, if you thought you could get away with soaking up the sun by sitting beside a window without the UV damage, think again!
The Solution
To minimize the impact of UV on your skin, be sure to wear a high quality sunscreen all the time, even on overcast days. Look for products with a high SPF and be sure to check out the UVA star rating too. There are plenty of beauty products which incorporate UV protection, so consider looking for an SPF moisturizer or foundation to seamlessly integrate sun protection into your daily routine. You should also be sure to wear a wide-brimmed hat on particularly sunny days to shield the face, which is a brilliant excuse to invest in some fabulous headgear!
Wrinkle-Maker No. 2: Aging
The Problem
Wrinkles are synonymous with aging and there’s sadly little we can do to prevent the natural side effects of getting older. Once we reach the age of 40, production of collagen and elastin in the skin begins to reduce, which means the skin naturally becomes less plump and taut. Not only that, but we also tend to lose fat from the tissue just beneath our skin which further emphasizes the problem. Plus, as we age our skin begins to produce less natural oils and moisture which leaves skin drier and emphasizes the appearance of wrinkles. The result is a series of deep and fine lines and areas of sagging skin.
The Solution
We can’t necessarily force our skin to produce more collagen and elastin as we age, but there are plenty of cosmetic procedures that can help to restore lost volume and smooth out lines caused by aging. Fillers like Juvederm and Restylane are great for dealing with deep set wrinkles, and injectable PRP procedures such as our own patented StemGlo™ can deliver a valuable boost of growth factors to the skin to regenerate tissues and help to slow the aging process. It’s also a good idea to invest in frequent hydrating facials and to use moisturizers that contain hyaluronic acid, which helps the skin to retain moisture and look plumped, healthy and more youthful.
Wrinkle-Maker No. 3: Facial Expressions
The Problem
Whenever we use the muscles in our face, we cause grooves to occur in our skin. Collagen and elastin helps skin to spring back into place, but as production of these cells dissipates due to aging, the skin tends to permanently crease. Frowning, laughing, squinting and smiling are the expressions we most commonly use and tend to cause the most problematic wrinkles and lines such as crow’s feet, deep set lines between the eyes, and lines running from the nostrils to the outside of the mouth.
The Solution
You could vow never to laugh, smile, frown or squint ever again, but this isn’t exactly a practical solution to wrinkles caused by repeated facial expressions! Instead, we recommend
Botox or Dysport. These procedures both work to temporarily relax muscles in order to prevent the skin from folding and creating permanent creases. When performed skillfully, it’s possible to reduce the appearance of deep set wrinkles without completely eradicating facial expressions. Not only can they alleviate wrinkles that already exist, but they can also help to prevent them from ever occurring by reducing the skin’s ability to repeatedly crease.