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By Aesthetica Med Spa



None of us want to have a “double chin”, but genetics dictate a lot, as well as age, BMI and weight. In fact, a recent survey by the American Society of Dermatology Surgery says that in a 2015 survey, 67% of people said their double chin bothered them. Historically, the correction of too much fat under the chin, or submental fullness, has been handled with liposuction type treatments. The Allergan Corporation has just introduced a new, surgery-free, laser free treatment for “double chin” or submental fullness. It is called KYBELLA™. KYBELLA in Austin is the only FDA-approved nonsurgical treatment that controls and improves the appearance of fat under the chin. The active ingredient in KYBELLA™ is deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the destruction and absorption of dietary fat. However, when you take that same compound in a larger and more purified version, and skillfully inject it beneath your chin, it causes the much localized destruction of those exact fat cells. Once they are destroyed, these same fat cells cannot store or accumulate fat again in that area. The actual in-office treatment using KYBELLA in Austin takes only about 15-20 minutes per session. It is customized to help you achieve your greatest result, and works by destroying fat cells when injected into the fatty area beneath your chin. It might take two of three appointments, and once your aesthetic goal is achieved, re-treatment is not expected. In Austin KYBELLA™ is administered over a 15 to 20 minute in-office treatment session. Your doctor will first anesthetize the area and then give you a series of very small injections into a specific grid that has been fitted to your under chin area. Your own treatment will be customized to match your own needs and your own chin. As with all injectable treatments , you may experience side effects. The most common is swelling, bruising, pain, numbness, redness, and areas of hardness in the treatment area. Prior to the beginning of the treatment, your doctor may apply ice packs, or other topical or injectable local anesthetics to the treatment area to make you more comfortable with the treatment. Seventy-nine percent of patients treated with KYBELLA in Austin reported satisfaction with the appearance of their face and chin after the treatment series was complete. Additionally, these patients reported improvement of self-perception, including feeling happier and younger, based on their chin profile, as well as feeling less embarrassed and less self-conscious about submental fullness or “double chin”. KYBELL in Austin might be right for you if you’re bothered by submental fullness, if surgery is not an option, if this condition makes you look older or heavier.

More Kybella news from The New York Times.