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By Aesthetica Med Spa
Both are neurotoxins which work to smooth out wrinkles and create a more youthful appearance, but what’s the real difference between Botox and Dysport? This is a question that comes up regularly from our patients who are keen to know which is the most suitable product for them. In this blog, we answer all your pressing questions about these popular cosmetic procedures.

What Similarities Do They Share?

Botox and Dysport both work to temporarily block nerve impulses which control muscle movement. Since wrinkles are often caused by repetitive movement of facial muscles, it is possible to smooth out lines and wrinkles by inhibiting muscle contractions. When Botox or Dysport is injected into muscle tissue, movement of that area is decreased, muscles relax, and the appearance of lines and wrinkles in the area are reduced. Both Botox and Dysport offer these temporary results. In time, nerve impulses will begin to reach the treated muscle tissues again, muscles will increase in movement and wrinkles and lines will reappear. When administered by an experienced clinician, the effects of Botox and Dysport can last from 3 to 6 months before further injections are needed.

What Are the Differences Between Them?

Although they both have the same effect on muscles and wrinkles, Botox and Dysport have unique formulations and it is here where the biggest differences between the products lie. Firstly, Dysport and Botox have very different rates of dilution. Dysport has a higher dilution than Botox, which means that more of it is needed in order to achieve the same results as Botox. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing; it’s useful for instances in which only very small amounts are needed to achieve the desired results. Due to the differences in dilution, Dysport tends to be far cheaper per unit than Botox. Although Dysport may from the outset appear to be more affordable, you must take into account the fact that more units are required to achieve the same results as Botox. This means that the final cost of a Dysport treatment is often roughly the same as that of Botox. It’s also important to note that if you’re used to having a certain number of Botox units to get your desired results, you will likely need to increase the number of units needed when switching to Dysport. Another major difference between the two products is molecule size, with Dysport having a much smaller molecule size than Botox. This means that Dysport tends to work faster than Botox, and it diffuses through larger areas. This doesn’t necessarily make it better; sometimes a great deal of precision is needed to treat small areas, in which case Botox would be a more suitable product than Dysport. In other instances where large areas are to be treated, Dysport may be chosen in order to minimize the number of injections required. A talented physician will therefore make an educated choice about whether to use Dysport, Botox, or a combination of both in order to achieve the most perfect results.

Which Is More Effective?

You may have heard conflicting reports from people about whether Botox or Dysport is superior, but the truth is that there’s very little scientific evidence to say that one is more effective than the other. The only study performed into the efficacy of the two was conducted by Dysport’s parent company, Medicis Aesthetics, which means the results may not be entirely reliable. The problem is that there isn’t a universally accepted ratio to compare the more diluted Dysport to the more concentrated Botox, making it almost impossible to administer the exact same amounts of each product and compare the results. Although in the Medicis Aesthetics study Dysport came out on top as the product to reduce the most wrinkles, Botox’s parent company, Allergan, have concluded that there was simply more Dysport used to achieve these results. The jury is clearly still out on whether Dysport or Botox is better, but from our point of view both are incredibly effective cosmetic treatments and each one is valuable for treating different areas. Our priority is in helping you to choose a product, or a combination of products, that will best achieve your desired results.