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By Aesthetica Med Spa
  Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP is a modern and innovative solution for patients with hair loss or hair growth problems. It is non-surgical in nature and less invasive compared to other forms of hair follicle treatments. PRP treatments can help to improve the hair caliber and hair thickness in patients. It is gradually gaining popularity in patients with various hair maladies and has seen a wave of new research within the medical community.

What is PRP?

Platelet Rich Plasma therapy was first introduced in the 1970s and has been refined through the years to a more exact science. PRP is a serum which contains particular cells called Platelets. These cells are already present inside your body and have healing properties. (The working of platelets can be noticed by you during the development of a clot in a cut or in an injury). The goal of PRP treatment is to make use of these healing properties to provide support for damaged hair follicles and promote their regeneration. In case of any cellular damage, the PRP will also accelerate the production of new hair follicle cells. By doing this, there is a very high chance that the patient will experience new hair growth resulting in a thicker head of hair. The healing property of the platelets, which stimulates the hair growth, is due to the presence of intracellular structures such as glycogen, lysosomes and granules. These structures work like well-oiled machines inside the platelet and clot / heal any injury. The PRP serum is prepared using the patient’s own blood inside a centrifuge and concentrating the platelet plasma, which is the most nutrient rich part of the blood and has the above-mentioned regeneration properties.

How is PRP Used for Hair Loss?

PRP therapy can be used on both men and women. It is ideal for patients suffering from thinning of hair and/or hair loss due to age or genetic disposition. Once the PRP serum has been prepared it is inserted into the patient’s scalp via a specialized micro needle. There is no surgery required and the process itself is quite simple. Once the PRP reaches the scalp, it begins the healing and stimulating process. Generally, the whole treatment is wrapped up within an hour and is usually done as an alternative to hair restoration surgery.

What Results Can I Expect?

PRP therapy has provided some promising results in its usage. Since it is still not FDA approved, the treatment is not widely available nor widely practiced. However, the small percentage of evidence from the PRP therapy strongly indicates that it is an effective treatment for most patients and acts efficiently as a stimulator to boost hair growth and hair density. Due to its natural property (platelets are taken from the patient’s own blood), the therapy is readily accepted by the body and is allowed to do its work, without interference from the immune system. Due to FDA restrictions, PRP cannot be used as a substitute for authorized hair treatment procedures such as DHT blockers and Minoxidil.

Are There Side Effects?

As the therapy involves your own blood platelets being used, with no external chemicals involved, any chances of side effects are minimal or zero. In all previous cases of PRP therapy, no serious side effects have been reported by patients. There are chances that a patient may feel slight pain or irritation on the scalp after the injection, have redness across the scalp or pinpoint bleeding. Some patients may also experience a headache or tightness of scalp for a few hours after the therapy. In most cases, these minimal side effects only last for a day or two, maximum. Do note, despite the fact that there are no serious side effects reported from PRP therapy, not all patients are qualified to undergo the treatment as a precautionary measure. If the interested patient has a history of smoking or alcohol addiction, or is suffering from cancer, skin disease, metabolic/systematic disorder, infections or platelet dysfunction syndrome, he or she may not be qualified for the PRP therapy due to any possible complications or risks.

Advantages of PRP Hair Treatment:

  • A basic injecting procedure, requiring no surgical operation
  • Treatment is short and fast, with the whole procedure lasting for approximately an hour
  • The therapy is absolutely safe and does not leave any serious side effects
  • The recovery and restoration of the hair occurs in a short period
  • Patient can enjoy longer, denser and stronger hair

Contact Us for a Free Consult

The best way to know about the possibility of a successful PRP therapy for your own hair problems is to consult a doctor. You can make your appointment with (name of the company) for a free consultation and get to know how you can improve the quality of your hair. Our staff will discuss all the aspects of your hair problem and its treatment with you, with complete frankness. This includes the type of treatment, chances of success and any risks involved. Your appointment for a consultation is completely non-obligatory. You can reach us via phone or email (link to contact us page) to make your appointment. Do note that in order to avoid queuing in the waiting list, make your appointment for a free consultation as soon as you can.