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By Aesthetica Med Spa
For people who have suffered with acne throughout their teenage years or who continue to experience breakouts during their adult life, one of the worst aspects of the condition is the scars left behind. Although the spots and cysts themselves eventually go away, acne scars can last a lifetime and leave the skin looking bumpy and irregular. Luckily, we have a few solutions up our sleeves to help acne sufferers to achieve smoother, healthier and more beautiful skin.


  Acne scars occur as a result of the body attempting to heal itself from acne lesions. The lesions occur when pores become clogged with excess oils, causing bacteria to grow. Pores become engorged, and eventually the lesions rupture. In an attempt to repair the lesions, the skin cells produce new collagen fibers, which can lead to scarring; when collagen is overproduced, scars become raised, and when it is not produced enough, the scars become pitted. Overall, this leads to a change in texture of the skin, and for many people the skin never fully recovers and returns to its smooth state. Not all acne causes scarring. Whiteheads and blackheads very rarely cause scars, but inflammatory acne in which the skin is afflicted with cysts and nodules can. This is thought to be because deeper layers of skin are affected by these severe legions. Some people are more susceptible to acne scars than others, either as a result of genetics, or because they choose not to seek treatment for their acne. Those who tend to pick and touch their acne-afflicted skin are also more likely to develop scars, as they tend to make lesions worse each time they pick at them.


There are three types of non-surgical cosmetic procedures which are effective in treating acne scars: 1. Laser resurfacing – controlled laser heat is applied to the skin to remove the very top layer and smooth out scars and color. 2. Chemical peels – a series of acid-based peels are applied topically to the scarred areas to remove the very top layers of skin and stimulate collagen production; they not only smooth the skin, but can also even out discoloration caused by acne scarring. 3. Dermal fillers – suitable for deep depressions in the skin, these hyaluronic acid fillers add volume in the necessary areas to smooth out texture, but results are only temporary. If you’d like to improve the appearance of your acne scarring, book a free, initial appointment today to discuss which cosmetic procedure will best suit you.